
I have 3 Boston Terriers, they were already on vet recommended food, but still had itchy and flaky skin.
Michelle suggested Luvita and we will never look back!!! Within 2 weeks their hair is even more shiny, they don’t itch anymore and they LOVE the taste!!
The pills are a perfect size even for the smaller breeds!

I am truly sold on Luvita.
During the trial period, I noticed my Pekingese’s have more energy, their coats are more shiny and soft and they are definitely absorbing more of Luvita than the normal diet they were on.
Less mess to clean up around the garden and they all just look so much better in such a short period of time using your food for the trial period.
Thank you so much.

I truly am impressed with the food.
I have extensive experience with many top food brands here – the results from your food are superior in many ways. Because of my profession with dogs and being exposed to so many different ones- I know a happy dog, a healthy dog and a dog that requires special nutritional care, especially during training or competition.
That’s what I tested with your food. I am SATISFIED!!
Stools are firm and less, and weight is well maintained even during high-intensity training. Definitely keener interest from dogs at meal times.
Recovery after exercise is also very very good. And I purposely didn’t add the usual supplements.

I have completed my Luvita trial and boy….where do I start!!!!
The initial transition from my girl Dixie’s previous diet 2 Luvita was a breeze. I boxed the food for the fist few days and then continued with Luvita for the rest of the trial period.
I consider my dogs in good health and I was amazed 2 see that the Luvita diet was able to keep Dixie in good health. She has a shiny coat, bright clear eyes, and a tail that never stops wagging.
Luvita is far from just an entry-level brand in my opinion.
What intrigued me was when I read the ingredients and saw that it holds many of the herbs that were given to them as an extra and more.
As an active dog showman, diet is of great importance and thus I have faith in this product and will recommend this brand.

Zoe (my woef) is nou 1 jaar en 10 maande en ek sukkel met haar vel al seker vir ‘n jaar en half. Ek het alles probeer van veeaartse, verskillende hondekosse, kruie, doepas en enige salf wat jy kan aan dink (tot speensalf😊).
Zoe kan nou bene eet!!!!!! Haar maag was altyd vreeslik sensitief en haar ou foefernol was altyd bloedrooi en sy het opgegooi as ons vir haar bene gegee het. Haar tande is nou weer spierwit en skoon en sy kners lekker aan haar ou beentjies.
Dis te danke aan Luvita!!!!!!
Vandat jy Luvita aan my voorgestel het, is Zoe n heel ander hond, sy lek en krap nie meer nie en is nou so rustig. Ek kan nie genoeg dankie se nie en sal jou en Luvita aanbeveel waar ookal ek die geleentheid kry.
– Lannette Jooste
Luvita is verseker die heel beste, aldus Charlie, ons gesonde Cockalier-honde-kind.
Hy is baie bederf en eet slegs wat spesiaal vir hom gekook en gevoer word. Hy eet ook nie gister se kos die volgende dag nie, en nie as dit koud is nie.
So, ek het al alles prober om hierdie gewoonte te verander. Van die duurste top handelsmerk hondekosse, tot voorskrif hondekos is aangekoop wat ek telke male maar moes skenk want dit gaar net op. Charlie ry oral heen saam met ons rond en soms is dit onmoontlik om vir hom te kook. Michelle de Bruin het voorgestel dat ons Luvita moet prober en het n klein voorbeeld pakkie voorsien. Tot my groot verbasing, n wonderwerk, ek moes die volgende dag terug gaan om voorraad te gaan aankoop.
Dit het Charlie se lewe verander en myne baie vergemaklik. Ons het ook gemoedsrus da thy nou n geballanseerde ete kry. Ek sal graag dit aanbeveel vir alle moeilike, bederfde en vol nonsens honde.
– Coen Hoffman SteelworX
Having high energy dogs we know they need that bit extra. Luvita has offered us that. Our dog’s weight, coats and muscle tone are great on this food. And it offers them that bit extra so that they have the energy to perform and love life.
– Lamink Malinios
Luvita? Luvita!!! We love it- both baby puppies who adore their cereal, pups introduced to Luvita puppy and the big guns who “inhale” Luvita adult are thriving and loving their awesome food. Thanks Luvita for creating such a nutritious and well thought out food for our precious dogs.
– Klein Sandfontein Boerboels
Luvita is amazing for my dogs. No food wasting. They are getting all the nutrition they need in one meal and are so much more energetic. Their stomach is so much better knowing that I have 2x schnauzers with sensitive stomachs. I can recommend it to all schnauzer lovers out there. It is also very cost effective.
– Amanda Kock
Definitely gets a five star rating from me the best food I’ve seen also the best results in dogs, dogs that didn’t want to eat started eating this food getting the best reviews from clients which also say it is the best food they have tried.
So without a doubt I would recommend this brand. Looking out for pets and their health.
– Ronan Paul
Ek persoonlik dink Luvita is die beste hondekos wat n mens kan kry. My Bullmastif reageer baie goed daarop en love haar pilletjies.
Graag wil ek u prys met hierdie mees wonderlike voeding en wens u net voorspoed toe dat dit baie suksesvol sal wees.
– Tersia Landelle
Luvita has been amazing on my German Shepherd. I have seen some positive changes in his weight and quite surprised at how well and easy he has adjusted to it.
He has a sensitive tummy and Luvita being hypoallergenic, it has been easy on his tummy.
– Viloshnee Padavattan
The best food our staffies have had no more scratching or licking of paws always eager for the meal. Staffy farts are much easier than those that used to clear a room and they don’t have stinky breaths anymore so that means more kisses and last but not least their coats look awesome. LuvitaSA 💜💜💜 Congratulations on an excellent food that can stand on its own in excellence. Watch out world here comes Luvita SA!
Thanks so much Luvita, all our love
Kavuki Team
Charmaine, Frank, Gaby, Storm, Mienkie & Ivar
– Kavuki | Staffords
Luvita truly is the best dog food we have given our dogs. I have a Malinois and my mom a German shepherd. Both live on a farm and work from time to time. I have bought several dog food brands, some even more expensive than Luvita, but none has better quality or made our dogs look better. Our dogs do not need to eat as much to maintain their weight or activity level, while looking great. What also makes Luvita stand head and shoulders above other brands are their customer service. I recommend Luvita to everyone who wants to improve their dog’s nutrition.
– Swellendam Hondeskool
Most of all was the ever-open hearted Michelle. Who was very prompt in replying and helping me with an issue that bothered me. I recently started with Luvita. I observe there things when feeding: stool, emotions and palatability. I find the food to be of standard and works for the working dog.
– Rahmaan
Their stools are looking great; their coats are great, but they always have been; as far as refusing food, my very fussy girl, Ella has pulled her nose up at the Luvita a few times, but my boy Goozi is happy with the Luvita.
– Giia Agliotti
Good day Thato from Iconic Boerboels.
My experience with Luvita was great. My dogs loved the feed and from what I could see, the feed looked good.
My only issue however was the display of the packaging. Luvita is a high premium food and is on the costly side. It aligns well with my brand being Iconic Boerboels. We aim to produce exclusive great quality puppies and do believe that the right brand of feed to represent us is Luvita.
The presentation of the packaging and the last puppy packets I got was not the best. It did not match the quality of feed. Most of my clients are turned on by display of packaging. The extra mile that the brand has gone through to connect with their clients.
Example. I believe your puppy packets should come with little books sharing your different types of feed and their nutritional values. Packets to put the small puppy packets in and the book. Maybe scoops and a pen. I believe the extra mile will give Luvita a step in the right direction.
I am very sorry for the lengthy email but I am very specific with my kennel and how I want to market it. I really do want to embark on a journey with Luvita, but I however can’t as the bags I got do not display the true quality of the feed. You guys have great feed. Packaging is my only issue.
I hope I have not come off as offensive but that’s as honest I can come through.
– Thato Motaung